Rainbow Studio Brings Cartoon Style to CG with Morph-O-Matic

Rainbow Studio Brings Cartoon Style to CG with Morph-O-Matic

Rainbow Studio Brings Cartoon Style to CG with Morph-O-Matic

Rainbow Studio Brings Cartoon Style to CG with Morph-O-Matic

Rainbow Studio Brings Cartoon Style to CG with Morph-O-Matic

Rainbow Studio Brings Cartoon Style to CG with Morph-O-Matic

Rainbow Studio Brings Cartoon Style to CG with Morph-O-Matic

 Di-O-Matic.com > Products > 3ds max Plugins > Facial Studio

  1. Overview
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  6. Reviews
  7. History
 Facial Studio runs in 3ds Max 6 to 3ds Max 2015 (32 bit & 64 bit)  

Need to create a realistic, caricatured or cartoon head in 3ds max ? Whatever the ethnicity or gender you are seeking to create, Facial Studio (3ds max edition) will greatly facilitate the once complex task of creating 3D heads.

Facial Studio features more than 500 controls covering the entire 3D head creation process. Deform anything from eyes, nose and mouth to head shape, including teeth and tongue. Modify head symmetry, ethnicity and gender as you please.

Facial Studio is not just a modelling tool, rather a comprehensive suite of tools designed to help you achieve better facial animation in less time than ever before. From modelling to muscle-based deformations, including texture map libraries and much more, Facial Studio does it all with an intuitive interface that will have you creating amazing heads in only minutes.

Get Facial Studio today and begin creating the 3D heads you want without any fear of restriction at some point in the process.

Pipeline Integration with
Mudbox or ZBrush

Facial Studio integration
with Voice-O-Matic

Integration with Facial Studio
(Windows Edition)


Di-O-Matic buttons

Changing Geometry

Skin Wrap modifier

What's new in Facial Studio v2

Facial Studio's Texture Library

Stack deformations

Discover the different version's of Facial Studio; 3ds max , Windows and Essential.
or, compare them all

Pay by credit card and download your product immediately after you buy.

  1 license    $499 Buy Now
  5 licenses  $2495 $2120 Buy Now
  10 licenses  $4990 $3992 Buy Now
 Bundles containing Facial Studio
   Character Pack $2443 $999 Buy Now

All Di-O-Matic products include 12 months complimentary Premium support package as well as floating license.

I've worked with 3D face animation for over 20 years, created the first fully 3D music video using synthetic faces for Kraftwerk and taught the first course solely on facial animation at Stanford University. I'm still around facial animation everyday but when I go home to do MY work I always turn to Facial Studio - it's fast, flexible and gives me professional results.

Steve DiPaola


Facial Studio features list includes :

Low, Medium and High Resolution, all optimized to be used with NurMS Sub-divisions.

Use your own mesh, use the SkinWrap modifier to deform your head model using Facial Studio deformations. Create facial deformations for your character has never been easier.

Head Deformers, controls the : nose, nostrils, mouth, eyes, ears, cheeks, chin, neck, eyebrows, teeth, tongue, eyeballs,...

Head Generators, controls over the gender, the race, the age, the ethny,...

Customizable Generators, the generators are all based on MaxScript files, this give you a total freedom to tweak every aspect of the generators

Sub-Surface Scattering Shader, because skin does not react like Phong or Blinn.

Perfect UVW Mapping Coordinates, designed to allow maps to be created easily and without stretching.

Amazing Muscles Deformations, next-generation deformer to controls muscles-based animation.

Full Range of expressions and phonemes, controls complex muscles combination on any heads created inside of Facial Studio with simple sliders.

Support custom morph targets, if you miss any deformation in Facial Studio, you can even add your own as morph targets.

Very powerful compositor TexMap, a compositor Texture Map, that does blending and mixing as well complex layered based operations like Multiply, Darken, Lighten, etc...

Comes with a complete library of maps, that includes more than 50 maps.

Every Parameters are animatable, since heads are just primitives you can animate just about everything.

Complete MaxScript support, even our file format is MaxScript-based, so you can tweak the file you created as you wish.

Float Licensing, so you can share license(s) across your network.

As a bonus we have even include some Animal deformer, so you can make heads looks like Ape-Man, Cat-Man, etc...

Discover below the key differences between our different releases of Facial Studio:

Features FS Essential
(Windows Edition)

Facial Studio
(Windows Edition)

Facial Studio
(3ds max Edition)

  Pricing 199 $  499 $  499 $
  Multiple level of details (Low, Medium, High) -
  Use your own 3D model - -    (1)
  500+ deformations -
  PhotoMatching -
  Curves-based facial re-modeling -
  Automatic texture extraction -
  Basic color corrections -
  Photo Manipulation (rotation and scaling) -
  Real Time texture preview -
  Animation Support - -
  Built-in pseudo-muscles deformation
  Export deformations to morph targets
  Export to .fbx -
  Export to .obj -
  Autodesk 3ds max
  Autodesk Maya, MotionBuilder, Softimage -
  Lightwave, Cinema4D, etc... -
  Ability to define custom shapes -
  Scripting support - -
  Script based file format -
  Built-in rendering engine - -
  Advanced material compositor -
  Skin shader - -
  Textures library
  Floating License
  Pricing 199 $  499 $  499 $

(1) using 3ds max's SkinWrap; a detailed tutorial comes with Facial Studio (3ds max edition)

Cannot find the answer to your questions? Contact us and we will be glad to assist you

Press Releases

Success Stories



I've worked with 3D face animation for over 20 years, created the first fully 3D music video using synthetic faces for Kraftwerk and taught the first course solely on facial animation at Stanford University. I'm still around facial animation everyday but when I go home to do MY work I always turn to Facial Studio - it's fast, flexible and gives me professional results.

Steve DiPaola

Don't miss any future update, be automatically notified when a new version is released by subscribing to the Facial Studio RSS feed

Only registered users of Facial Studio currently subscribed to one of the yearly support packages ( Premium, Premium+, VIP) are eligible to receive the latest version listed below. Please contact us to receive it.


 Version 2.6  07/10/2014
* Added compatibility with 3ds max 2015 (64-bit)
 Version 2.6  04/18/2013
* Added compatibility with 3ds max 2014 (64-bit)
* Unify value type on all spinners
* Muscles deformers issues with MAXScript: fixed

 Version 2.5  09/12/2012
* Automatic Voice-O-Matic configuration could fail: fixed
* FS Eyes WSM modifier could fail: fixed

 Version 2.4  05/16/2012
* Added compatibility with 3ds max 2013 (32-bit and 64-bit)
 Version 2.3  05/04/2011
* Added compatibility with 3ds max 2012 (32-bit and 64-bit)
* Improved performance and stability

 Version 2.2  05/19/2010
* Added compatibility with 3ds max 2011 (32-bit and 64-bit)
* Additional alternate lower resolution head
* Improved Custom sub-object
* Animation support in Custom sub-object
* Ability to import directly file from Facial Studio (Windows Edition)
* Up/Down and Left/Right consistency in all sub-objects: fixed
* Hanrahan-Krueger shader could fail in 3ds max 2010: fixed
* FS Eyes modifier could fail: fixed

 Version 2.1  04/20/2009
* Added compatibility with 3ds max 2010 (32-bit and 64-bit)
* LOD not being restored properly when opening file issue: fixed
* Custom sub-objects radius issue: fixed
* Automatic Voice-O-Matic configuration issue: fixed

 Version 2.0  04/17/2008
* Fully compatible (32-bit and 64-bit) with 3ds max 9, 3ds max 2008 and 3ds max 2009
* Optimized creation rollout
* Improved shape and proportion for the default head
* Improved Shape generators preset: Gender, Race
* Improved UV coordinates of the Low Resolution head
* Improved Phonemes generators preset
* New additional Shape generators preset: Asymmetry, Blowing
* New additional jaw deformations : Y Rotation, Z Rotation
* Automatic Voice-O-Matic configuration
* LOD not being restored properly when opening saved file issue : fixed
* Discontinued support for 3ds max 4 and 3ds max 5

Note that Facial Studio v1.x is no longer available. Are you still using Facial Studio v1.x? Upgrade to v2 by subscribing to the Premium+ or VIP support package.

 Version 1.5  11/12/2003
* New Float Licensing protection scheme
* New Low-Resolution head added, and set as the new default head
* Improved UV coordinates for the Medium and High-Resolution heads
* New Browse for shapes folder button, allows you to load custom generator .dat files per head in your scene
* New Mouth closed Phonemes Track
* New Always Key All Tracks option for generators
* Voice-O-Matic integration
* Fix Werewolf teeth, Lower and Upper teeth weren't controlled separatly
* Fix Apply Head Material to always refresh correctly
* Support 3ds max 6 to 3ds max 8

 Version 1.01  04/04/2002
* Fix Build Lipsync process that was creating too many keyframes.
* Fix Eye Target to use appropriate time range
* Lip Sync tracks have now default controller, for easiest access with automated lipsync tool and MAXScript
* Fix crashing-bug when pressing the Load button in the Hanrahan-Krueger shader with no preset selected.

 Version 1.0  12/11/2001
* Initial release

Price : $499   
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