Dibulitoon use Voice-O-Matic for their CG Feature Film production

Dibulitoon use Voice-O-Matic for their CG Feature Film production

Dibulitoon use Voice-O-Matic for their CG Feature Film production

Dibulitoon use Voice-O-Matic for their CG Feature Film production

Dibulitoon use Voice-O-Matic for their CG Feature Film production

Dibulitoon use Voice-O-Matic for their CG Feature Film production

Dibulitoon use Voice-O-Matic for their CG Feature Film production

Dibulitoon use Voice-O-Matic for their CG Feature Film production

Dibulitoon use Voice-O-Matic for their CG Feature Film production

October 25, 2007

 Compatibility with 3ds max 2008

With the release of the new version of 3ds max a lot of people are wondering if our plugins are compatible with 3ds max 2008. The good news is that all Di-O-Matic plugins that were compatible with 3ds max 9 are working with 3ds max 2008!

If you wish to receive the latest installer please simply fill the update form

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