Hercules: Musculature and deformations plug-in for 3ds max

Hercules: Musculature and deformations plug-in for 3ds max

Hercules: Musculature and deformations plug-in for 3ds max

Hercules: Musculature and deformations plug-in for 3ds max

Ingreme Have created stunning muscle deformations using Hercules

January 23, 2013

 Voice-O-Matic v2.1 (Maya Edition) now available

Voice-O-Matic (Maya Edition), Di-O-Matic automatic lip sync solution for Maya, just got updated to v2.1

What’s new in version 2.1?

- Add support for Maya 2013.5 (32bit and 64bit)
- Improved Referencing support
- Improved MEL commands
- Issues with Normalize Curves: fixed
- vomBatch now supports Normalized Curves

Voice-O-Matic retails at only $349 and Voice-O-Matic PRO is now available for $999

Download the trial of Voice-O-Matic (Maya Edition) to discover how to speed up your production today!

As usual, we are here to help so contact us if you have any questions!

December 19, 2012

 2012 Retrospective

It has been an exciting 2012 for us here at Di-O-Matic.
We just celebrated our 12th anniversary! That is incredible!

Here is a brief retrospective of what we accomplished at Di-O-Matic in 2012:

In addition to many improvements, all Di-O-Matic plugins are now compatible with Autodesk 2013 product line.

For 3ds max users, this includes Character Pack v1.7 including Facial Studio v2.5, Morph-O-Matic v2.6 and Voice-O-Matic v3.4

For Maya users, we have released version 2 of Voice-O-Matic Maya Edition along with the new PRO edition that advanced Maya users just love as it offers more advanced controls.

We have also released new updates of our Windows software: Maskarad, Lipsync MX and Facial Studio Windows Edition.

Based on customer’s requests, we have produced many new video tutorials and demos,
all of them are available for free on our website as well as on our Di-O-Matic YouTube channel

Do you Twitter? If you have a Twitter account, be sure to follow us

In 2013, we look forward to releasing even more cool character animations solutions to help you achieve your production goals with ease, surpass your customer expectations and as always at affordable prices. Stay tuned for more news and products announcement in the coming weeks.

We are sincerely hoping that the Ancient Mayans weren’t right, because we plan on bringing you more cool tools in 2013!

Have a great new year and holidays seasons and thanks to our clients for their continuous support.

Laurent M. Abecassis
President – Di-O-Matic, Inc.

December 18, 2012

 Special offer, holiday savings!

Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a very happy new year!

One of the real joys of the holiday season is the opportunity to say thank you and wish you the very best for the new year to come, so we could not think of a better time to offer you a great discount. It is now the perfect opportunity to get access to your favourite Di-O-Matic tools.

Get 15% off any Di-O-Matic products
Use coupon code during checkout: Holidays15

Hurry up! Save time and money on your next 3d animation project with this great offer valid until January 5th only in our online store.

For any questions contact us via email at sales@di-o-matic.com or by phone at 514-369-2400


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