Hercules runs in 3ds Max 6 to 3ds Max 2015 (32 bit & 64 bit)
For all those who thought muscular systems were only for major production studios and required complex custom rigging and scripting Hercules,
Di-O-Matic’s innovative muscular animation plug-in for 3ds max.
At long last, a tool for expanding the limits of regular skinning.
Hercules is the most effective and artist-friendly manner in which to create high quality muscle animation for your CG characters. Adding an extra touch of realism to your
creatures and characters is now easier than ever before and certain to bring them to life!
Simply drag Hercules muscles and attach them to your character’s existing rig. They will immediately deform, bulge, compress and stretch as your CG character moves within your scene. Or
use any 3D object to simulate sub-surface deformations.
Hercules deformation supports just about any 3D object.
Hercules works together with all 3ds max skinning modifiers like the built-in Skin, Physique and Bones Pro.
Hercules works wonders on existing skinning by causing the skin to react based on underlying muscle deformations.
Upgrade your characters to Hercules and see the difference!
Watch the following videos and discover the power of Hercules
is a simple to understand and very powerful character animation tool.
Its capabilities stretch way beyond creating muscles alone, with a fast and intuitive interface.
Herculesadds a lot of
realism to the deformations of my
Kim Goossens -
3D Artist
At the core
of the Hercules technology are the following modules:
- A parametric Muscle primitive object
- An Objects-based displacement modifier
- A parametric muscle texture map
- A Bulk editing tool
Hercules Key Features and Benefits:
- Easy
interface and workflow, making the musculature setup quick,
effective and easy to to integrate within your current
production pipeline
- Fast
secondary motion dynamics (spring-based) on muscles
- Back
transformation, to avoid double transformations when muscles
are linked to another master node, very handy in most character
Ultra-Fast Skin Displacement Deformer that can be applied on
top of your preferred skinning method to simulate sub-surface
muscle deformations
- No object restrictions,
any type of objects, not only Muscles, can be used as deformer
- Fully compatible with most character
animations plug-ins, including Skin, Physique, Bones Pro,
CAT, Biped and Puppetshop
- Network
render friendly
- Scripting
support, to easily fit in your pipeline
Float Licensing,
so you can share license(s) across your network.
With Hercules, we
finally got a powerful toolset to help us
achieve 'perfect' character deformations.
The power of Hercules resides not
only in its wide range of features but in
its logical implementation
and extremely intuitive interface.
Ben Girard
VES and Emmy Awards Winner
President of Digital Dimension
is a simple to understand and very powerful character animation tool.
Its capabilities stretch way beyond creating muscles alone, with a fast and intuitive interface. Hercules adds a lot of
realism to the deformations of my
Kim Goossens -
3D Artist
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Only registered users of Hercules
currently subscribed to one of the yearly support packages (Premium,
VIP) are eligible to receive
the latest version listed below.
contact us
to receive it.
Version 1.7 09/09/2014
* Added compatibility with 3ds max 2015 (64-bit)
Version 1.7 04/18/2013
* Added compatibility with 3ds max 2014 (64-bit)
* License can be hold per session, allowing faster access to the user interface
Version 1.6 09/12/2012
* Deformer List highlighted color issue: fixed
* Improved compatibility with 3ds max 2013
Version 1.5 05/22/2012
* Added compatibility with 3ds max 2013 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Version 1.4 05/04/2011
* Added compatibility with 3ds max 2012 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Version 1.3 04/15/2010
* Added compatibility with 3ds max 2011 (32-bit and 64-bit)
* Hercules Select: Improved stability with Poly objects
* Muscles: remove with right-click menu fixed
* Improved Cluster-O-Matic support in HerculesDeform modifier
Version 1.2 05/11/2009
* Added compatibility with 3ds max 2010 (32-bit and 64-bit)
* HerculesDeform:
significant speed improvement when working with selections (made in HerculesSelect or Cluster-O-Matic)
deformer list now display 20 deformers
new option to display deformers as box
Cluster-O-Matic refresh issues: fixed
negative deform not supporting smoothing: fixed
TAB ordering issue: fixed
Version 1.1 04/03/2008
* Fully compatible (32-bit and 64-bit) with 3ds max 9, 3ds max 2008 and 3ds max 2009
* HerculesSelect: Ignore backfacing on Poly object issue: fixed
* HerculesDeform: new Re-Cache Subdivision button
Version 1.02 10/30/2006
* Support 3ds max 6 to 3ds max 9
* Bug related to muscles attachment to biped legs fixed
* Fix Undo issue when removing HerculesSelect from modifier stack
* Improved Cluster-O-Matic support in HerculesDeform modifier
Version 1.01 10/16/2004
* Speed optimization for the Hercules Deform modifier, up to 10 times faster.
Version 1.0 04/06/2004
* Initial release
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