Rainbow Studio Brings Cartoon Style to CG with Morph-O-Matic

Rainbow Studio Brings Cartoon Style to CG with Morph-O-Matic

Rainbow Studio Brings Cartoon Style to CG with Morph-O-Matic

Rainbow Studio Brings Cartoon Style to CG with Morph-O-Matic

Rainbow Studio Brings Cartoon Style to CG with Morph-O-Matic

Rainbow Studio Brings Cartoon Style to CG with Morph-O-Matic

Rainbow Studio Brings Cartoon Style to CG with Morph-O-Matic

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  1. Animation
  2. Games
  3. Academic

Do you know how many animated CG characters rely on Di-O-Matic technologies? Neither do we.

With solutions already used in countless animated shorts films and commercials. Counting oscar-nominated studios like Blur Studio or Nexus Productions among our clientèle.

With numerous animated theme park rides, animated TV series, direct to dvd animation flicks and CG feature films from studios all-around the globe. Di-O-Matic continues to lead new advances in character animation software solutions, always on the cutting edge, from our production-proven facial morphing tool to automating processes like automatic lip synching. Effectively reducing production time and letting you focus on bringing life to your characters through the entire spectrum of emotions and truly amaze audiences.

We use Morph-O-Matic as the morphing tool on all our 3ds max based character rigs. Morph-O-Matic is simple and flexible enough so we can combine it with custom rig solutions very easily.

Leo Santos, Lead Animator
Blur Studio


Every single shot of our CG feature film has been using Voice-O-Matic to create a preliminary lip synchronization directly in Spanish. Of course we sometimes had to perform fine-tunings but the way Voice-O-Matic works, adjustments can easily be made afterwards by our character animators.

Ricardo Ramon, executive producer


Voice-O-Matic brings to Ellipsanime/Dargaud-Media a fast and effective solution for all the characters lips sync in our animated TV series.

Cyrille Paulhiac
Ellipsanime/Dargaud Media

Di-O-Matic products and services are relied on by countless animation studios behind the best 3D character animations worldwide. Including many well known CG characters like Garfield, Pink Panther, Mickey Mouse and Spongebob SquarePants. In retrospect, Di-O-Matic solutions have made creating state of the art character animations easier and easier for the past 10 years. See for yourself.

Read Di-O-Matic customers stories to learn more about how Di-O-Matic solutions are used successfully by animation studios worldwide since 2000.

Get the technologies behind your favorite CG characters, visit our products pages to see which solutions are right for you and if that is not enough, see what else we can do through our custom services.

Leading video game production studios worldwide rely on Di-O-Matic products to bring your favorite CG characters to life?

Actually, since 2000, Di-O-Matic animation software and plugins have been used in countless video games. Effectively assisting video game creators worldwide to bring a breath of life to their characters with more ease than any generic out of the box solution could possibly deliver.

From automatic lip sync to bone-based facial rigs, Di-O-Matic offers the video game industry, award-wining, production-proven character solutions that are easily implemented, reliable, flexible, and backed by outstanding support. Used in breath taking cinematics as well as game engine animations, Di-O-Matic solutions help thousands of game artists to meet their deadlines on time and deliver stunning CG character performances every time.

At Beenox/Activision, we rely heavily on Voice-O-Matic in our production workflow for both important first-pass lip-sync shots and crucial up-close sequences that we can adjust manually. When working on Dreamworks game projects like the Jerry Seinfeld ‘Bee Movie’ or ‘Monsters v. Aliens’, many of our junior animators benefitted from the automated functionality that Voice-O-Matic offers.  At one point, we received over an hour of production shots to complete in a very short time. Voice-O-Matic helped us meet the deadline and avoid production time and cost overages.

Stephane Duchesne -
Technical Director of Animations


Voice-O-Matic is simple, intuitive, fast and delivers beautifully on every one of it's high promises. Having worked in film, television and games, this is without a doubt one of the most impressive plug-ins I've ever used. There is absolutely no way we could've animated the thousands of lines of dialog on our tight production schedule while still maintaining a high level of quality without Voice-O-Matic.  I recommend Voice-O-Matic to anyone trying to animate lipsync in a quick, easy and quality fashion. It's artist friendly and best of all, it actually works!

Abel Salazar - Senior Animator
Left Field Productions

Di-O-Matic's unique expertise and solutions have been relied on by artists behind the best 3D character and animations in video games for the past decade, including well-known franchises such as Grand Theft Auto, Sonic, Crash Bandicoot and Lara Croft and countless super heroes like the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, Batman, Superman and the Hulk. Di-O-Matic solutions help keep your creative vision at the top of its game.

Read Di-O-Matic customers stories to learn more about how Di-O-Matic solutions are used successfully by games creators for the past decade.

Get the technologies behind your favorite CG characters, visit our products pages to see which solutions are right for you and if that is not enough, see what else we can do through our custom services.

In addition to assisting leading production studios and professional freelancers to create stunning character animation with ease, Di-O-Matic products are also part of the curriculum of countless training centers around globe.

From France's SUPINFOCOM to the Simon Fraser University in Canada, Di-O-Matic's technologies helps students worldwide speed up and better their character animations.

As an instructor, one of the biggest challenges students often face is doing lip sync in a short amount of time for their projects. Voice-O-Matic has allowed my animators to quickly get in a voice track that they can customize and tweak further. I have been able to teach it easily and students can learn it quick. I have even used it for my own productions, such as a 12-minute animated documentary-style short that I am helping produce for artist Joshua Hagler. I was able to sync 85 shots of dialogue in a single afternoon and ship those to our team of animators. I don't know of any other product that could have integrated with our project so well!

Andrew Klein, Autodesk Maya Certified Instructor,
The Art Institute of California in San Francisco


Working in 3D facial research for 20 years, I was skeptical that an off the shelf plug-in was going to give the look and control I needed. Facial Studio does and with an incredible ease of use to boot. Now I own 3 copies for home, research and teaching!”

Steve DiPaola - Simon Fraser University

All Di-O-Matic tools are available at a highly discounted price for all students, teachers and schools on the Di-O-Matic Educational Store. Students, teachers & schools can save up to 90%, are you eligible ?

Di-O-Matic's products and services are relied on by countless animation studios behind the best 3D character animations worldwide. Including well known CG characters like Garfield, The Pink Panther, Mickey Mouse and Spongebob SquarePants to name only a few. In retrospect, Di-O-Matic solutions have made creating state of the art character animation easier and easier for the past 10 years. See for yourself.

Di-O-Matic's unique expertise and solutions have been relied on by artists behind the best 3D characters and animations in video games for the past decade, including well-known franchises such as Grand Theft Auto, Sonic, Crash Bandicoot and Lara Croft and countless super heroes like the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, Batman, Superman and the Hulk. Di-O-Matic solutions help keep your creative vision at the top of its game.

Read stories from leading industry pros to learn more about how Di-O-Matic solutions are used successfully by animation studios and games creators since 2000.

Get the technologies behind your favorite CG characters, visit our products pages to see which solutions are right for you and if that is not enough, visit our custom services and see what else we can do for you.

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